“There are striking parallels between Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Colombia. This is a hemisphere where efforts have been made since contact to eliminate Indigenous Peoples through policies of physical and cultural genocide. While there are clear differences, the shared experiences are of structural discrimination and destructive policies leading to marginalization, displacement, and barriers to obtaining title and effective control over ancestral territories.” quakerconcern.ca/common-ground-indigenous-struggles-colombia-canada/
The solution? Land! Listen at 36:45. www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/wade-davis-light-at-the-edge-of-the-world-1.4499962
Meanwhile, another sort of answer, kinda… Canadian pot companies are investing millions in Colombia because they can grow weed there for about .50/gm instead of $1.50/gm at home… a crazy world tries to commodify crazy.
“Employees make cuts from mother marijuana plants to grow clones at the PharmaCielo Ltd. facility outside of Medellin, Colombia, in April. The Canadian company was the first firm to receive a Colombian licence to cultivate medical cannabis after it became legal there in 2015.(Eduardo Leal/Bloomberg/Getty Images)” www.cbc.ca/news/world/canada-colombia-cannabis-investment-canopy-narcos-1.4819766